Fine Art Photography from the CatPad…

Posts tagged “autumn

2014 OTM October 20, 2014: Picnic


On an autumnal day, it’s nice to have a picnic…

2013 Week 46/52: Autumnal Embrace

Autumnal Embrace, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

’tis the season for close personal attention?

Week 43/52: Woodsman

Woodsman, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

The woodsman is gathering the last bit of food before the long winter months arrive…

Foggy Morning

Foggy Morning, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

A foggy morning in fall 2011 that I caught with my Nikon N75 on Ilford Delta 3200 film…

Thankful for our daughter

Josie during Tummy Time, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Today, I am very thankful for our daughter and the birth parent that gave us this wonderful gift of parenting. Thankful for Ally’s sister and her nurse colleagues too that started this chain of events that Sunday morning in April. I love Josie! This image of her is one of my favorites. I applied the angel glow technique to this photo. It makes Josie pop!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Go Rockets!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

This year there is A LOT to be thankful about all. We were blessed with our daughter Josie earlier this year and she lights up our lives so wonderfully. Thank you to the angel (maybe my Grandfather) who brought her into our lives…


Birds!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Shot today with the Instagram app on the iPhone. Yes, my work location has a lake and it is near a dump. Hence all the birds. They like to hang out at the lake…

Post processed sunset

Post processed sunset, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Here is tonight’s sunset. Initially shot with the Instamatic app on my iPhone and then sent through the picfx app and the photo toaster app to give it some more funkiness…

Autumnal Sunset

Autumnal Sunset, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

really enjoy the Instagram app on my iPhone. Here is a shot of a sunset here in Michigan a few nights ago. Best of all, the Instagram app is FREE!

Panoramic Sunset

Panoramic Sunset, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Tonight’s sunset north of Ypsilanti, Michigan shot with the iPhone and the AutoStitch panoramic app. I shot six shots total and the app seamlessly put the image together…

Autumn HDR?

Autumn HDR?, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Well… sort of. Using the HDR Pro app on my iPhone. Maybe not shooting into the sun and a subject matter that would make for a better HDR shot would work a little more effectively. However, the app did take two shots, told me to keep the phone steady and one shot was under exposed and the other over exposed. It then merged the two together…

Devils’ Halloween

Devils’ Halloween, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Here is Josie and Daddy ready for trick or treating tonight. The image was processed through the iDarkroom app on the iPhone…

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Happy Halloween! Shot with the Instamastic app on the iPhone…


Autumn, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

It’s a wonderful time of year. Taken this afternoon with the Instamstic app. Not a bad app for FREE!

Josie in the Pumpkin Patch

Josie in the Pumpkin Patch, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

We went out to a pumpkin patch today for Josie’s first encounter with pumpkins!

Autumnal Beauty

Autumnal Beauty, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

An image of a pathway close to home taken with the hipstamatic app and then sent through the cross process app…