Fine Art Photography from the CatPad…

Posts tagged “food


Glassware, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Glassware during a dinner outing in Székesfehérvár, Hungary – August 23, 2011 – shot with my Rolleicord V with Fuji Provia color slide film. Cross processed then added the sepia tone in Photoshop Lightroom…

365-354: Holiday Weekend!

Holiday Weekend!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Part of the joys of a holiday weekend in the summertime is the barbecue! Yum!

365-278: Truckload

Truckload, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Our baby girl is eating a lot. I guess we need another truckload of formula for her…

365-239: Mmm… Buddy’s!

Mmm… Buddy’s!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Mmm… Buddy’s Pizza!

365-187: Coffee Badge

Coffee Badge, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

These scouts are trying to earn their coffee badge…

365-148: Gummy Bear

Gummy Bear, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Chef is carrying a giant gummy bear…

365-18: Bad Cat

Bad Cat, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Our kitties are bad. Every time we go into the kitchen they expect food. They will squeak and mau and squeak and mau until you fall for their demands…