Fine Art Photography from the CatPad…

Posts tagged “weather

2016 Week 11/52: Rainy Day

Rainy Day

The pilot is holding an umbrella!

2015 Week 24/52: Rainy Sunday

Rainy Sunday-1

With all this rain, you need a boat today…

2013 Week 17/52: Rainy Day

Rainy Day, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

It’s a rainy day but still okay for a flight eh?

2013 Week 3/52: Beach Time

Florida-1, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Longing for warmer weather. Unfortunately, I think it is months away…

OTM – Frankenstorm – October 29, 2012

Frankenstorm, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

We have a reporter on the scene. Is the hard hat a bit too much?

We really hope all is safe and sound through this storm…

Week 30/52: I am such a nerd!

I am such a nerd!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

I installed our weather station this weekend and now it’s uploading data to (Weather Underground)

Foggy Morning

Foggy Morning, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

A foggy morning in fall 2011 that I caught with my Nikon N75 on Ilford Delta 3200 film…

Dark and light

Dark and light, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Here was the sky on the way home last evening. I had to stop the car and shot this. By the time I was home, this sky was gone. Part of the advantage of having the iPhone 4s. I have a camera with me all the time…


Sunset, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

A shot of a sunset in Ypsilanti, Michigan using the Fujifilm Instax 210 instant camera.

September Sky

September Sky, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

The sky was gorgeous this evening! Nice shades of orange and blue…

Stormy Saturday

Stormy Saturday-1, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Stormy Saturday-2, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

I finally was able to capture some lightning from my AEO Lightning Strike II lightning trigger. Out of nearly 500 images snapped by the trigger, two shots contained lighting bolts! The trigger is super sensitive – so any flicker in the sky sets the thing off. Here it was mounted to my Nikon D90…

Gettin’ ready for the storm…

Gettin’ ready for the storm…, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Here is my Nikon D90 with a AEO Lightning Strike II lightning trigger attached. I shot this with the NeinGrenze 5000T overlooking from the staircase in our house. An impending storm was coming our way so I had to set up the D90 and the Lightning Strike II. Although, three storms with the lightning trigger (this spring and summer) and still no lightning shots yet… šŸ˜¦

Tonight’s Sunset

Tonight’s Sunset, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Tonight’s sunset captured with the 0.3 megapixel Sony Mavica MVC-FD5. I had the resolution on fine but that did not help the image much. This is about the best a digital camera from 1998 can do…

365-329: Hot? Hot!

Hot? Hot!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

It was a hot one today! Hot, sticky, steamy… Summer made an early arrival!

365-320: Stormy Sunday

Stormy Sunday, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

It was a stormy Sunday here in Michigan, but it fizzled out before it hit home…

365-317: Rain, Rain and more Rain

Rain, Rain and more Rain, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

With all the rain we’ve been getting lately, maybe it’s time to build an ark?

365-105: Sky Watching


Sky Watching, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

These two are watching the sky closely as the front moves through the area…

365-10: Storm Report

Storm Report, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Heavy rain, lightning everywhere, tornado sirens going off. This brave little minifig is watching the weather to keep others safe.