Fine Art Photography from the CatPad…

Posts tagged “Instant Film


2013 Week 40/52: Macro Polaroid Minifigure shots!

Not one image this week, but four! Yes, I was playing around with my Polaroid Macro 5 SLR tonight. Here are some of the Lego ® minifigure shots I took this evening. Yes, these are all Polaroid prints. Awesome eh?

Polaroid Macro-1 Polaroid Macro-2 Polaroid Macro-3 Polaroid Macro-4

OTM – Police man – May 6, 2013

Police man, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

A classic Fisher Price little people piece… the police man shot with a Polaroid Macro 5 SLR and expired Polaroid Spectra instant film

2013 Week 6/52: Workers

Workers, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

I think I am coming fairly close on using the Polaroid Macro 5 SLR. Here is a shot of construction workers with the instant camera…

OTM – Farewell to the Games – August 13, 2012

Farewell to the Games, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Farewell to the Olympic Games… These two figures actually came from the London studio of And it’s ‘roid week so I had to shoot with the Polaroid 300. Don’t the Cavey figurines look cute with their medals?

OTM – Polaroid SX-70 – May 7, 2012

SX-70, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Okay. A different kind of toy for this week. I am a photographer and I consider my cameras toys too! Yes, I have fun with them… Here we have a Polaroid SX-70 instant camera. One of the gems in the fatcatimages collection. Fitting that Edwin Land was born on May 7th…

Notice the Impossible flash on the camera? Well, I’ve been experimenting with Impossible film in this camera for Polaroid does not make SX-70 film anymore. Why did they exit the instant film market? And I don’t count their ZINK as real instant film. I do shoot ZINK cameras but instant film is film. ZINK is just paper without the film.

But my problem is with the Impossible film itself. You can see from the images below, something is wrong. The shots were with PX 100 Silver Shade. The flash fired. But there is nothing…

Impossible… what am I doing wrong here?

Here is another image shot tonight on the PX 100 Silver Shade. This time the flash did not fire and the shutter was open for an extended time. You see light is getting to the film…

Here was a shot I has taken last summer. Again, Impossible film but this time it was PX 70 Color Shade. It was my first shot from my SX-70 and have NEVER been able to replicate. I’d be happy with these results but can not come close today? Impossible, please tell me what is wrong!

My sister-in-law Andrea shot with PX 70 Color Shade. First ever shot! Have not been able to replicate.

Instax Mini Portrait

Okay. I watched this video on Fro Knows Photo and it inspired me to do my own shoot. How could I not? With my beautiful daughter Josie, why would I pass on an opportunity like this? As you may or may not know, the Fujifilm Instax Mini (or my version the Polaroid 300), is a tough cookie to shoot with. The problem with the camera is that the built in flash will always go off in low light situations. It has some sort of evil sensor that can not be shut off. Ouch. To demonstrate, here is the picture of Josie with the flash. (to the right)

Not entirely flattering right? I mean, yes Josie is a beautiful girl but the head on lighting. Yikes. So, like in the video, we had to improvise. I placed a couple strips of electrical tape on the flash to “prevent” the firing.  See “prevent” – it did not really prevent the flash from going off… because it still did with a little puff of smoke each time. I guess the flash is very hot when it fires and melted a bit of electrical tape. Don’t ask me where my gaffer tape was – I still don’t know… But notice in this image that Josie is by our sliding glass doors that face  our backyard (the west, not ideal for summertime – I know). But on a gray wintertime day, it’s a GIANT softbox. Yay! So with electrical tape and a little puff of smoke each shot (I think there was 5 in total), I achieved my side lighting. And I think these shots look a whole lot better than the front flash to the side here…

Here they are. Awe Josie! So cute! Oh and the vignetting is from the Holga 500mm close up filter…

Yashica D TLR

Yashica D TLR, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

So my Polaroid Macro 5 SLR came with a pack of film. However, the film was not stored that well and only shiny objects really appear. I am shooting this film to get rid of it. It needs A LOT of light to get an image…

Polaroid Macro 5 SLR

Polaroid Macro 5 SLR, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

I had the hardest time trying to shoot macro shots with my Polaroid Spectra camera (I even had macro attachments but those were bulky and difficult to master with Lego minifigures). So, I found this gem. And wow! Does it perform. Now I can seriously do macro instant photography (and not the digital kind!)…

Three instant prints of tonight’s A3C3 meeting

Here we have three instant prints from my Polaroid 300 camera of tonight’s Ann Arbor Area Crappy Camera Club meeting. We discuss anything about analog photography and maybe, just maybe a little ham radio… 🙂


Sunset, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

A shot of a sunset in Ypsilanti, Michigan using the Fujifilm Instax 210 instant camera.

Lil’ Peanut

Lil’ Peanut, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Our lil’ peanut, Josie! Shot with the Fujifilm Instax 210. Instax wide instant film…

Isn’t she a cutie?!

Fujifilm Instax 210

Fujifilm Instax 210, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

With Polaroid discontinuing their instant film a few years ago, the only options for instant film are that from Fuji and the Impossible Project. I do like the Impossible Project’s film but it is very difficult to master. Fuji has been making instant film for decades and the film has been perfected. It is a no brainer to use the Fujifilm Instax 210 then. A nice camera with instant film that really works! I am glad Fuji did not abandon their instant film products like Polaroid mistakenly did…

A3C3 13-Sept-2011

A3C3 13-Sept-2011, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

A Fujifilm Instax wide image of the September 2011 Ann Arbor Area Crappy Camera Club meeting.

Josie PX-70

Josie PX-70, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Josie shot with my SX-70 and the Impossible Project PX-70 film. It was dark but you can see Josie’s head and Mama’s hand…

This is the last of the SX-70 shots for now.

SX-70 Another Sample

SX-70 Sample 2, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Still experimenting with the Impossible Project’s PX-70 Push film. Here is my sister Ashley at a summer party last weekend. She is an artist too. Creativity runs in the family…