Fine Art Photography from the CatPad…

Posts tagged “current events

2014 Week 22B/52: Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square-1

We are reliving the Goddess of Democracy for those who lost their lives 25 years ago on June 4th, 1989…

OTM – Twinkie the Kid – November 19, 2012

Hamvention-3, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

I shot this over a year ago. How fitting it is today to honor Twinkie the Kid!

OTM – Vote – November 5, 2012

Vote, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Vote tomorrow. Wait in the big lines and do your part!

OTM – Vote! – August 6, 2012

Vote!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Okay a break from the other toys to give an important message. The minifigures and I plead that if you live in Wayne, Oakland or Macomb counties in Michigan please vote YES on the Art Institute Authority Millage, tomorrow August 7. I am a HUGE supporter of the DIA and this cultural gem in Detroit. The Millage is a bargain giving you free admission for 10 years! Vote YES to SAVE the Detroit Institute of Arts!

‘Tis the season…

‘Tis the season…, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

…for a yard full of giant inflatable Halloween decor…


Way to go tonight boys! I have to stray away from photography tonight because it’s nice to see Detroit beat those overpaid,Ā underachieving Yankees. Nice win tonight!



Okay… so I’ll take the plunge…

Okay. So I will take the plunge and finally get a iPhone 4S. Why? Well, for the camera. Yes, the camera on a phone. Hmm. What is wrong with me? I guess not that much, the iPhone 4 takes some amazing photos and now with the f/ 2.4 lens on the iPhone 4S – that is just amazing! So it was the camera (and the fact that I’ll be able to play “Angry Birds”) to allow me to move up into the 21stĀ century. Plus, I’ll get to use the light meter app for my film cameras. How much fun will that be? That and I will always have some sort ofĀ cameraĀ on me – since I always have my phone…

I made the decision well before the news of Steve Jobs today. May he rest in peace…

Goodbye Borders

Borders-13, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Borders was a hometown favorite of ours. It was also a stop for Alyssa and I on our marathon first date (at the flagship store in Ann Arbor). It is with much sadness that the bookstores closed. We will miss Borders. It will not be the same without you…

Celebrate Diversity (re-post from September 11, 2010)

I thought a re-post of my post last year on this date is still relevant…




Celebrate Diversity, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

On this the ninth anniversary of the attacks on New York, Washington and rural Pennsylvania; I find it disturbing with regards to the rhetoric that is pervasive right now. Iā€™d like to remind everyone what it is to be American. To be American means freedom of speech and assembly. That Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This means we are to accept the proposed Mosque in lower Manhattan. Itā€™s at an abandoned and private building that stands blocks away from the former World Trade Center site. It is the constitutional right as private citizens to legally do what you want with your private property. That is what makes America the great country it is. It celebrates our diversity and our openness as a society to accept those of other beliefs, faiths, ideologies, orientations and acknowledge them as our neighbors. This discussion on the anti-establishment of the Mosque in lower Manhattan is silly and pointless. We are all Americans. We all have the right to be ourselves. We all have the right to build a Mosque, Synagogue, Mandir, Vihara, Temple or Church on private property. That private propertyā€™s relation to neighboring structures (past or present) is irrelevantā€¦

On the same argument, Rev. Terry Jones has every right to burn copies of the Quran. I think it is highly distasteful and as a Christian, a very non-Christian thing to do. However, in freedom of speech; you have the right to burn the Quran. You have the right to burn the Bible. You have the right to burn the American flag. Itā€™s all protected under our constitution. But one should be mindful of their actions. That Quran or Bible or flag has different meanings to different people. We should be respectful of our neighbors when we conjure thoughts of destruction of anotherā€™s symbolic item. Celebrate diversity. Do not fear your neighbor. Discuss our differences. Embrace what we have in common.

flickr’s geofence

flickrĀ added a new feature today. It’s called geofences. The geofenceĀ protects your privacy for certain locations. Here I have set it up for my home. Only friends and family can see my actual home location inside the 2500 meter geofence. I like this feature. I shoot a lot at home – so some privacy is nice…


Borders-1, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Okay – a break tonight from the classic camera images. With the imminent closing of Borders stores – I wanted to go out and snap some shots at local stores before the liquidation process starts. I am sad our local bookstore is closing…

365-353: Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

fatcatimages wishes our neighbors to the north a Happy Canada Day!

365-341: Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

To all the Dads out there, Happy Father’s Day! Today is especially wonderful for me today, for it’s my first father’s day thanks to the adoption of baby Josie. I love you Josie!

365-337: Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

There apparently was a spectacular lunar eclipse today. However, for those of us residing in North America, this was the only way to see it…

365-330: Another hot one today!

Another hot one today!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Need to enjoy the ice cream to help cool down!

365-329: Hot? Hot!

Hot? Hot!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

It was a hot one today! Hot, sticky, steamy… Summer made an early arrival!

365-324: Boom Goes the Dynamite!

Boom Goes the Dynamite!, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Unfortunately, this guy will learn the hard way that boom goes the dynamite!

365-320: Stormy Sunday

Stormy Sunday, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

It was a stormy Sunday here in Michigan, but it fizzled out before it hit home…

365-317: Rain, Rain and more Rain

Rain, Rain and more Rain, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

With all the rain we’ve been getting lately, maybe it’s time to build an ark?

365-315: False Predictions

False Predictions, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

I guess the end of the world came and went…

365-310: The End is Near?

The End is Near?, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Are these guys predicting the end of the world on Saturday or is it simply that they are worried that they will be out of a job when the 365 project ends in July? I can not tell…

365-290: What’s in Your Wallet?

What’s in Your Wallet?, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Sorry, my shipment of Collectible Minifigures Series 4 came in yesterday. And with this little guy, I could not resist…

365-279: Tax Day

Tax Day, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Time to fork over your money to the government, if you owe…

365-278: Truckload

Truckload, originally uploaded by spakulsk.

Our baby girl is eating a lot. I guess we need another truckload of formula for her…